Websites and having an online presence is paramount for businesses these days. With lots of competition, and customers wanting to find accurate information and recommendations about products and services offered, having a website with everything they're looking for is invaluable, and usually the list of content and features a site needs isn't as long as some think.
Along with this, your online presence can play a big part in making you and your business appear as credible and professional as you are in when trading. Not only does having a clear, modern site help with this, but custom domain names, along with custom business email addresses, have the ability to give an excellent impression to potential customers.
For this reason, I am able to offer you website services that tick all the boxes, but won't break the bank.
New Websites
Getting your initial online presence can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be.
Often when using someone's web design services, not only do you pay out for the initial configuration and creation of the site, but you also end up with a monthly or annual financial tie with them, for hosting and maintenance of the site, domain, and any email packages. Although with this setup, you should have the freedom to do what you wish with your website and domain, many people still feel they are locked in with this company for any changes, or if they want to move the site elsewhere. Everything would have to be done via whoever set it up initially, so if you were unable to get a hold of them, or felt awkward about requesting to transfer their site to another company, you may be unable to do exactly what you want, when you want.
I go about it differently, reducing the overall cost of getting you online, as well as giving you many more freedoms with the site.
First I get you setup with a large hosting company, where the domain, the DNS settings, and any email packages will be managed from. This will be YOUR account. I'll use this account to carry out the initial setup. Once that is complete, you have total control over any settings, and access to the account, meaning you can make changes down the line yourself, or you can ask me, or someone else to go in and
After this, I will start to put the site together. Personally I use Google Sites. It's free and easily accessible. This process allows us to go through adding any pages, content and pictures your require to the site, getting it looking exactly how you want it. We'll do this with either an existing Google account of yours, or with a new one. Again, this account will be yours, and you will have full control over the webpage later down the line.
Then we can go live. The website will then be published to the domain, and any custom email addresses made can be linked up to your mail clients on your devices.
After this, we will finish the handover, meaning I will log out of all accounts, and will remove the Google Sites edit access from my work account upon request. Feel free after this point to change account passwords if you wish.
Full terms will be agreed on prior to starting work.
Prices starting from £200
covering configuration of the domain, setup of custom email address(es) and building of the website, get in touch to find out if I can help you get your business online.
Please get in touch if you are interested, including some information about your business and what you are after from your website.
Website Updates
If you currently have an online presence that needs upgrading, or you wish to switch to the systems I use to save money, while retaining a modern look, I can help with this also.
Many people have outdated websites with generic stock images, which don't give the same positive impression on their customers wishing to seek further information about the services the business offers, while still frequently costing large amounts of money to maintain and keep online.
Switching may be simpler than you think. Usually a new site can be put together, and then swapped to take the place of the old only when it is 100% polished and ready. This minimises downtime to less than a day in most cases. Even if you need to move your domain and email hosting, it can usually be done with less than 2 days of downtime for your site, or email address. The savings you may be able to make in the long run will outweigh the cost of transferring, and the short downtime easily.
If you would like more information on how I can help with this, please get in touch, including some information about how your site is currently setup, and what you'd like to do with it moving forward.